Today in Washington D.C., between 10:00 AM and 5:30 PM, the national book festival 2010 will be taking place for the 10th year in a row.

The festival which was started by Laura Bush in 2001, when she was serving as first lady of the United States, will run between 3rd street and 7th street at the National Mall.

Bush, a former librarian, pioneered the first National Book Festival with the Library of Congress in 2001 just three days before the attacks. And Librarian of Congress James Billington introduced Bush on Saturday as the “reader in chief of the United States of America.”

The book festival is organized by the Library of Congress, and held in early Fall every year. This year they expect to have over 125,000 people in attendance, as well as many nationally published authors and poets on hand. There should be at least 70 authors, illustrators and poets that will be making live presentations throughout the day today.

There are many kind of book categories that you can find. Such as economic, technology , etc. So, what do you plan today ? just go to get your own book. So where it this ?, you can get there through the Metro subway. You can either get there through the Smithsonian and Federal Center SW on the Blue and Orange lines, or the L’Enfant Plaza and Archives/Navy Memorial on the Yellow and Green lines.