SmadAV Antivirus is the one of Indonesia Antivirus. SmadAV updated new viruses database, especially the local virus made by Indonesia VirusMaker that appeared so we can say this antivirus always up to 6 revisions date.SmadAV has differences from previous versions of the Rev.Now Ver.6 was added detection and cleaning thoroughly local 100 new viruses, among which are many viruses spread is AlbumBokep, Yuyun, Deadlock, Fullhouse, etc.. From this moment will be more accurate SmadAV the removal / cleaning of files, document files (doc or xls) now can be cleaned from virus infection without mengkarantinanya. Rev. 6 using the scanning technique and a new heuristic faster and more accurate for detecting viruses existing in the database and the new variant virus.

The following is a complete list of 2009 Rev. SmadAV Improvement. 6:


* Quarantine far more perfect and encryption features added
* Completion of Registration Key protection to prevent piracy
* Adding fix all button on the form minimize
* The position coordinates of the form / window SmadAV be saved when exit
* Bug / failed to restore files from quarantine when the path to the file already in use other files
* Bug / fail to explore the folder if folder name has a comma character (,)
* Bug / crash in some circumstances when SmadAV active as a guest on Windows XP
* No longer too much access to the floppy
* Completion of the form view in some parts
* Improving the features message and exit the form minimize
* It can display Unicode MessageBox


* SmadAV would advise you to do Full Scanning after cleaning the infection
* Key to display after scanning smadav.log
* SmadAV been able to write Smadav.log in Unicode or ANSI text
* Repair bug / fail display and remove a few buttons on the Scanner in certain circumstances


* Added database and thoroughly cleaning the latest 100 local virus
* The main engine has been refined so much more stable, fast, and accurate
* Technique of new heuristics to detect viruses without the need for a database VBS
* Technique of new heuristics to detect viruses shortcut
* Mea doc and xls files infected with viruses
* Clean thoroughly new Local Virus: Virus AlbumBokep, Deadlock, Fullhouse
* Detection Virus Alman, Conficker and Fusion Virus
* Detection Test File Eicar (international virus testing standards)
* Cleaning the host file
* Improved heuristic False Positive on VBS
* Code (API) for reading faster command line processes VBS virus


* SmaRTP much more stable and lighter
* Features Uninstall to uninstall the protection of the system SmadAV
* New Flashdisk will plug directly scanned SmadAV
* SmaRTP will lock the files when a virus is detected so that the file could not be accessed
* Completion of the process of elimination SmaRTP soon update it with the latest SmaRTP
* Improved bug in Vista, scanner failed to open the tray icon Smartp.
* Right-click the "Scan with SmadAV" only installed when installed SmaRTP
* [SmadAV Pro] Password only when the exit SmaRTP asked, changing settings, and use of tools.
* Change the folder structure of the Smad-Lock
* Not scanning system / registry when Auto-Scan Flashdisk
Please direct download SmadAV Rev. 2009. 6: Click Download


  1. Admin // September 1, 2009 at 5:42 AM  

    Saya dah pakai ini,
    Bagus , Enteng.

    Tapi belum bisa nyelesain WINLOGON userinit

  2. syico // September 2, 2009 at 11:28 AM  

    Terima kasih atas kunjungannya mas Ari.

    Yang jadi pertayaan saya sebenarnya , antivirus ini di buat untuk local , bagaimana jika kita terserang virus interlokal ?
    apa harus menginstall 2 antivirus sekaligus ?

    atau install 1 antivirus interlokal saja yang sudah bisa detect semua nya ?


    ada apa dengan WINLOGON userinitnya mas ?

  3. buJaNG // September 9, 2009 at 3:08 PM  

    Kita tidak bisa mengandalkan hanya 1 jenis antivirus, bahkan antivirus sekelas kaspersky atau lainnya pun tidak bisa dijadikan sebagai tolak ukur. Tergantung jika suatu saat virus apa yang menyerang komputer kita.

  4. syico // September 9, 2009 at 4:38 PM  


    setuju dengan pendapat anda.
    tapi lebih baik jangan terlalu addict dengan obat ( ibaratnya )
    lebih baik kita cenderung mencegah kedatangan virus :)

  5. Gaurav Marjara // December 2, 2009 at 5:07 PM  

    Nice post.Your post is very informative.Thanks for sharing useful information SmadAV Antivirus. This is nice antivirus but my point of view Antivirus Wizard is good for security software. I am using Antivirus Wizard from last month and I have never any problems in my computer because i am using of Antivirus Wizard Software .

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